Installing the Debian Package


Popfile is available as an official Debian package. Open the following link to get more details about it.

The package can be installed as any other Debian package:

  • # apt-get install popfile

If you need Japanese support, you may have to install Kakasi modules:

  • # apt-get install libtext-kakasi-perl

You will be asked to supply some configuration values. If you accept all the default values you will end up with:

  • POPProxy listening on port 7071
  • POPProxy not accepting nonlocal connections. (Stealth Mode On)
  • Web Interface listening on port 7070
  • Web Interface not accepting nonlocal connections. (Stealth Mode On)

Note that default ports have been changed to avoid crashes with other daemon.

When the installation finishes Popfile will be started. You can immediately point your browser to http://localhost:7070 and continue with the configuration. Popfile will run as a regular daemon, starting and stopping automatically when the system goes up or down.

Information specific to the package can be found in:

  • /usr/share/doc/popfile/README.Debian

Latest Version

Due to the nature of the Debian project you might not get the latest version of Popfile if your apt is configured to only use the stable distribution. If you wish to use the latest version download the deb package from its info page and install it manually:

  • # dpkg -i popfile_*.deb

If you wish to benefit from automatic updates in this case you will need to setup a mixed system. Read Debian's APT HOWTO, specifically the part about mixed systems.

The Popfile package is not part of the stable Woody distribution. So you can't \ “apt-get” popfile if you are only using stable sources. Download the package from \ its info page and use “dpkg” to install it manually, or point your apt to \ testing/unstable sources.

Semi-official Package

Since the maintainer of POPFile package for Debian has not been active, we've built our original package. These are semi-official packages of POPFile.

These packages are signed by me (naoki iimura). You can get my public key from here. To download the key directly, please click here.

For Debian 5 (lenny)

For Debian 4 (etch)

Some Details

To comply with the Debian Policy Popfile will be split into the following directories on your system:

  • /usr/share/popfile - All popfile scripts.
  • /var/lib/popfile - User data.
  • /var/log/popfile - Log files.
  • /var/run/popfile - Pid file.

The daemon will run with user popfile and group popfile.

howtos/debian.txt · Last modified: 2009/12/24 14:00 by

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