このページは POPFile の UI の説明として POPFile 自身のツール・ティップスとして含まれるものを集めるためのものです。完成したら、これらを POPFile の UI ページにこれらすべてをコピーする予定です。
MB> Suggestion: I suggest we use this shortened version for the tooltips, but use Revision 44 for the Wiki. There is some good information that has been stripped out to make things short for tooltips–there is no need to be so terse in the wiki. <em>JC:I agree</em>
操作説明: あとで簡単にエクスポートできるように、それぞれの項目の最後にパーセント記号 “%” を含めてください。“わざと残してある空白” はすべて POPFile の UI では削除されるでしょう。
**履歴(History)%** POPFile が処理したメールを表示する/再分類する **バケツ(Buckets)%** バケツを管理する/分類精度を見る **マグネット(Magnets)%** ベイジアンフィルタをバイパスする単純なフィルタを管理する **管理(Administration)%** オプションを変更する **ユーザ管理(Users)%** ユーザを管理する **詳細設定(Advanced)%** 詳細設定を変更する 設定(Configuration): <em>(このタブはなくなりました)</em> セキュリティ(Security): <em>(このタブはなくなりました)</em>
MB> These are shorter than “Sort by this column” and more accurate <em>They are shorter, but require a seperate string for each column, when “Sort by this column” gives exactly the same information. And the colons don't make sense.</em>MB> The colons actually came from Outlook–if you look at Outlook, MS uses exactly that toolip: e.g. “Sort by: Subject”–so I would beg to differ that they don't make sense. I think the word “header” is confusing–as not all users know what email headers are and may think you mean the column heading or some such. <em>Just because MS does it doesn't mean it makes sense. Looking at it as a short sentance a colon is not correct. If you had a dropdown that said “Sort by: Subject, CC, To, Date, etc.” it would make sense. Even if short by CC header is confusing to some people between the column header and the email header, in this case the result is the same. They are both the column header and the email header. I think just “Sort by this column” is better anyway. There isn't a real need to have a seperate string for each.</em>
**Recent Messages%** The number of messages matching your current Search and Filter. **Arrived%** Sort by Arrived time **Bucket%** Sort by Bucket name **Cc%** Sort by CC header **Date%** Sort by Date header **From%** Sort by From header **Subject%** Sort by Subject header **Size%** Sort by Size of message **To%** Sort by To header **Reclassify%** Apply the selected bucket changes. **Search From/Subject%** Enter text to find matches in the From address or Subject. **Filter By%** Limit the view to the items in the selected bucket. **Invert Search/Filter%** Invert BOTH the From/Subject AND the Filter By bucket.
**Bucket name%** See bucket details. **Distinct words%** Unique words in each bucket. **Subject Header Modification%** Insert bucket name to the begining of the subject. For clients that can not use the X-Text-Classification header. **X-Text-Classification Header%** Insert an "invisible" header that most mail clients can use to apply a rule based on POPFile's classification. **X-POPFile-Link Header%** Insert a header with a link to the message to allow for quickly reclassifing a message. **Quarantine%** Islolate potentially dangerous email by placing it in attachment. **Bucket color%** Select a color for each bucket. **Lookup%** Look up the probability and frequency of a word in all buckets. **Word counts%** Number and percentage of total words in each bucket. **Create bucket with name%** Create a new bucket. **Delete bucket named%** Remove a bucket and its training. **Rename bucket named%** INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK **False positives%** Messages that were incorrectly placed in this bucket. **False negatives%** Messages that were incorrectly not placed in this bucket.
**Magnet type%** Message header field to match. **Values%** Text or address to match. **Always goes to bucket%** Bucket to send matches to.
**Number of messages per page%** INTENIONALLY LEFT BLANK **Number of days of history to keep%** INTENIONALLY LEFT BLANK **User interface web port%** INTENIONALLY LEFT BLANK **POP3 listen port%** INTENIONALLY LEFT BLANK **Allow concurrent POP3 connections%** INTENIONALLY LEFT BLANK **SOCKS V proxy host%** INTENIONALLY LEFT BLANK **SOCKS V proxy port%** INTENIONALLY LEFT BLANK **Run POPFile in a console window%** INTENIONALLY LEFT BLANK **Show POPFile icon in Windows system tray%** INTENIONALLY LEFT BLANK **Logger output%** INTENIONALLY LEFT BLANK **Connection timeout in seconds%** INTENIONALLY LEFT BLANK **Choose language%** INTENIONALLY LEFT BLANK **Choose skin%** Change the look of POPFile. **History Columns%** Choose which columns you want to display in the history page.
<em>Most of these options are now on the Administration page.</em> **Accept HTTP (User Interface) connections from remote machines%** Allow access from another machine **Accept POP3 connections from remote machines%** Required for clients to access POPFile on a server **Remote POP3 server (SPA/AUTH or transparent proxy)%** INTENIONALLY LEFT BLANK **Remote POP3 port (SPA/AUTH or transparent proxy)%** INTENIONALLY LEFT BLANK **Accept XML-RPC connections from remote machines (requires POPFile restart)%** INTENIONALLY LEFT BLANK **User Interface Password%** Add a password to limit access to your POPFile Automatic Update Checking: There is text there--should we move it to a tooltip? <em>no, for both of these it would be way too much text for a tooltip. And that is important stuff a user should be able to see automatically even though it does take up a lot of room.</em> Reporting Statistics: There is text there--should we move it to a tooltip? <em>no</em>
No tooltips; see the OptionReference page in the wiki on all of the parameters.
**POPFile Home Page%** POPFile home page **Manual%** The original POPFile documentation (slightly outdated) **Documentation%** POPFile's documentation wiki **FAQ%** POPFile Frequently Asked Questions **vxx (date time - [email protected]) %** POPFile version number, the date and time last accessed, and the current user's email address. **Request Feature%** Have an idea to improve POPFile? Let us know. **Mailing List%** Want to hear about changes to POPFile? Sign up. **Donate%** Like POPFile? Contribute to making it more successful.
Should you find anything in the documentation that is incomplete, unclear, outdated or just plain wrong, please let us know and leave a note in the Documentation Forum.