Customised text for standard NSIS pages in the 'Add POPFile User' wizard

? PFI_LANG_ADDUSER_INFO_TEXT ! Shown on the Welcome page for the Add POPFile User wizard to explain the purpose of the wizard. At run-time the text $G_WINUSERNAME will be replaced by the user's Windows login name.

? PFI_LANG_USERDIR_TITLE ! A single line of text, shown in bold, in the MUI page header beside the Otto logo. At run-time the text $G_WINUSERNAME will be replaced by the user's Windows login name.

? PFI_LANG_USERDIR_SUBTITLE ! Up to two lines of text, shown below the title, beside the Otto logo. At run-time the text $G_WINUSERNAME will be replaced by the user's Windows login name.

? PFI_LANG_USERDIR_TEXT_TOP ! Text shown below the page header, explaining that each user has a separate data area. At run-time the text $G_WINUSERNAME will be replaced by the user's Windows login name.

? PFI_LANG_USERDIR_TEXT_DESTN ! Text shown above the box showing the current selection for the user data folder. At run-time the text $G_WINUSERNAME will be replaced by the user's Windows login name.

? PFI_LANG_ADDUSER_TITLE ! A single line of text, shown in bold, in the MUI page header beside the Otto logo. At run-time the text $G_WINUSERNAME will be replaced by the user's Windows login name. This header is shown while popfile.cfg and the default stopwords are being created/updated for this user.

? PFI_LANG_ADDUSER_SUBTITLE ! Up to two lines of text, shown below the title, beside the Otto logo. This header is shown while popfile.cfg and the default stopwords are being created/updated for this user.

? PFI_LANG_ADDUSER_FINISH_INFO ! Text shown on the Finish page for the Add POPFile User wizard. At run-time the text $G_WINUSERNAME will be replaced by the user's Windows login name.

? PFI_LANG_REMUSER_TITLE ! A single line of text, shown in bold, in the MUI page header beside the Otto logo. At run-time the text $G_WINUSERNAME will be replaced by the user's Windows login name. This is shown when the uninstaller created by the Add POPFile User wizard is started.

? PFI_LANG_REMUSER_SUBTITLE ! Up to two lines of text, shown below the title, beside the Otto logo. This is shown when the uninstaller created by the Add POPFile User wizard is started.

? PFI_LANG_REMUSER_TEXT_TOP ! This text appears above the box showing the folder from which the user data will be removed. At run-time the text $G_WINUSERNAME will be replaced by the user's Windows login name.

? PFI_LANG_REMOVING_TITLE ! A single line of text, shown in bold, in the MUI page header beside the Otto logo. At run-time the text $G_WINUSERNAME will be replaced by the user's Windows login name. This page appears while the user data files are being removed and the registry updated.

? PFI_LANG_REMOVING_SUBTITLE ! Up to two lines of text, shown below the title, beside the Otto logo. This page appears while the user data files are being removed and the registry updated.

windowsinstallerlanguagefilenotes-3.txt · Last modified: 2008/02/08 19:49 by

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