Wiki ToDo: Needed Documentation
What still needs to be done to the wiki since 0.21 has shipped
DisussPageRemoval - discussion forum to decide on deleting pages.
Still To Do:
Backup, Restoration, and transferring POPFile settings default location in Windows is no longer POPFile root (but may be with upgrade installs) [This one is tricky. Location of config files depends on env vars. Restoration may require setting env var. Etc.] - [This will require mentioning Brian's backup-restore utility].
TroubleShooting remove link to
Corpus Corruption when that page is eventually deleted. [Upgrader needed this in 2006, we may be stuck with for a couple versions but it can be made less visible
FAQs we should answer in the Wiki:
removed words from the corpus – jac: I am not really sure we want to put this in the wiki? Any opinions? mh: I don't think that we should answer that particular question.
OTOH, it would be awfully nice to have a pointer (or a copy) of Scott's excellent post.